Vietnam is a
friendly country that is generally safe to travel to and full of wonders like
Hanoi, the Mekong Delta and let’s not forget the always scrumptious roasted
sparrow entrees!
The Vietnamese are very appreciative if they see you trying to abide by
their customs, and very forgiving when you get it wrong, but just in case here
is a quick list of do’s and don’ts for traveling in Vietnam.

- Wear shorts or old T-shirts to visit a Pagoda,
they won’t let you in. Be sure to dress conservatively and dress for the
occasion, you are after all visiting a piece of history.
- Sit with your feet pointing towards a family
altar if you are staying in someone’s house.
- Take pictures of anything to do with the
military, this can be considered a breach of national security and trust
us, you don’t want to see the inside of a Vietnamese jail.
- Take video cameras into the small villages, it
is considered very intrusive and they’ll be too polite to ask you to stop
- Display any personal displays of affection!
Just don’t do it. Find a hostel, hotel, whatever suits – but anything
beyond holding hands is seriously frowned upon.
- Expect to sleep late as Vietnam starts moving
at 6am and the noise can be overwhelming.
- Dress conservatively, especially you ladies
out there. The dress code is more relaxed in major cities but do yourself
(and the Vietnamese) a favor - don’t wear booty shorts to the fish market.
- Drink loads of water as you’re wandering
around checking out the sights. The heat can be oppressive and heat stroke
can be a real killjoy, so take our advice and drink up (water that is)!
- Hold your bag in front of you and wrap it
around a limb when riding in a Cyclo – bag snatching is a big problem and
if you are looking at a Pagoda there’s a good chance someone’s looking at
your bag.
- If you’re invited into a local’s home (which
is really the only way to travel), be sure to take your shoes off at the
- Travel by train, it’s one of the best ways to
see the country through the eyes of the locals (prepare for the trains to
be late and smelly – but that’s part of the charm, right?)
- Carry a bit of toilet paper with you at all
times – we won’t go into detail – just trust us.
- Make sure that you have a hotel/hostel
business card from the reception desk. This will make your return to the
hotel in a taxi or cyclo much easier.
- Do expect to pay less for a beer than a bottle
of water – but remember our hydration tip above!